Tuesday, 11 October 2011

My First TV Appearance

I forget the actual date of my first TV taping, but it took place in Victoria for the A Channel on a program called the New Canoe.  I just saw the episode on APTN not too long ago.
I had been doing comedy for about two years at this point, did maybe a dozen Native conferences, traveled a bit.  I contacted a couple of Native TV shows to let them know who I was.  Didn't hear back from some of them, but the New Canoe contacted me and told me they were doing a comedy night and filming it for one of their episodes and wanted me to be a part of it.  Of course I said yes.
They flew me down to Vancouver, then I flew from Vancouver to Victoria on a 12 minute flight!  Or something like that.  It was very short.  I was met at the airport and driven to my posh hotel.  My suite was nice and big.  Somehow I managed to flood the area outside the washroom when I showered.
I went downstairs and met the other comic, Dawn Dumont.  We had already corresponded via email.   She later blogged that we bonded over masturbation jokes.  We were  both looking forward to the taping, which was later that night in front of a paying audience.  This afternoon's rehearsal was free and open to everyone.
Prior to the show, I was contacted by the Victoria Times-Colonist newspaper to do an interview.  I was in Saskatchewan at the time and did the interview by phone.  The interviewer kept asking about my stage name and where it came from.  So I finally told him that The Bloody Savage was a joke that I don't perform anymore about a drink I invented when I used to drink called the Bloody Savage, which was Clamato juice and Lysol.  Guess what made it into the paper after he promised not to use it?
Here is the link to the newspaper article.
Anyways, the rehearsal went well.  There was lots of sitting around and being nervous.  I asked Dawn if she had ever been on TV before, she said no.  I guess she doesn't count her acting stint on an American soap opera.  After the rehearsal, we went back to our hotel.  Dawn told me later that she draped her duvet around her neck and walked around her suite like royalty.
After a quick dinner, I was driven to CBC Radio to do a promo interview for the show, but the tickets were already sold out.  It was gonna be a packed house and there was lots of buzz on the streets about this show.
Our MC for the night was Lorne Cardinal from Corner Gas.  Art Napoleon did his My name is Joe and I am Canadian bit.  An improv troupe did their thing.  I did an 8-minute set, of which two minutes actually went to air.  It was over before I knew it.
Overall it was a good experience.  It gave me some credibility.
Plus, Dawn and I started working together as the Rez Jesters and booked a couple of shows, but that fizzled out.  Hopefully we work together again soon.
Here's my first TV appearance.

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