Monday, 28 May 2012

My Old Hometown

I did two gigs in my old hometown of Houston a couple of weeks ago.  I was worried about them.  I had heard you are never appreciated at home, but I haven't called Houston my home for over 15 years.
The first show was at my old high school for the students.  It was in the Drama room, which when I went there, it was the old drafting room.  But I guess people don't draft any more.
I brought my friend comedian Chris Gaskin with me as my opener.  He did great.  He was able to connect with the kids well.  But he's not far removed from them in age.
I had done shows for youth before and had done well, but these kids at my old high school were predominantly White kids.  I was unsure if they would understand what I was talking about.  But they were right there with everything.  It felt good.  It made me less nervous about how the next night's show would go.
The next show was at the old community hall as a fundraiser for the figure skating club.  It was for adults only and there was alcohol for sale.  It turned out to be a pretty good show.  We must've made them a lot of money.  There was an intermission for them to sell more alcohol and 50/50 tickets.
It was an okay experience overall.  I got to see old classmates, people I haven't spoke to or seen in years.  There were people that didn't make it to the show that I really wanted to see, but I don't know what happened to them.  Maybe next time.  We might be invited back next year for another fundraiser.  But I'm only going if I have new material.